Same-Day Delivery

Everybody can be a Volunteer Hero

Get your delivery the same day, whenever you need it. Put your purchase together and receive your goods quickly and easily. And if you don't need a purchase, but you want to help, you can also be a volunteer hero with a quick registration at Quicki.

Features & Benefits

Same-Day Delivery

Order for delivery from local supermarkets.

Save Time & Effort

Make your purchase from the comfort of your own home and receive the delivery of the articles in only 2 hours.

Mobile App and Website

A secure mobile app and desktop app offer a safe and easy way to do your shopping.

Choosing Delivery Date and Time

Receive your order on the day and within the time range of your choice.

Order Status

Get the items you love delivered in as little as 2 hours. Get a confirmation as soon as a courier has accepted your order.

Everybody Can Become a Volunteer

Everybody can volunteer in their spare time to help the community by supporting others with their purchases.


Registered Volunteers

You can easily join Quicki as a volunteer. Volunteers can register on Quicki to directly start making deliveries.

Order Fast & Easy

Order all your requests fast and easy by monitoring all your orders in detail.

User-friendly Design

The user-friendly design facilitates the ordering process.


Order Status Tracking

Get the items you love delivered in as little as 2 hours. Get a confirmation as soon as a volunteer has accepted your order.

Choosing Delivery Date and Time

Receive your order on the day and within the time range of your choice.

Easy to Repeat Order

View all your orders in detail and quickly repeat your order from the last order using the order area in your profile.

Easy Registration for Volunteers

You can easily become a volunteer on Quicki. Volunteers can register on Quicki to carry deliveries as a registered volunteer.

Management Panel for Volunteers

Usability management panel for volunteers. Every volunteer can easily manage the status of all their orders.

Have all your orders delivered directly to your front door with just one click.

Contact us

We’re building Quicki together!

Be a Volunteer

Arrange your working hours as you wish

Be your own boss. Flexible working hours, a helping hand for people who need you and the opportunity to get to know your city even better. Contact us and start working in less than 24 hours

Register Now

Contact Us

Got a question? We are here to help! Fill up the form to get in touch with us on your enquiries.

  • Brüsseler Str. 89-93, 50672 Cologne/Germany

  • +49 2 21 5796 7940
